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Sunday, July 15, 2012

Sunday Chat: Paranoia...Everybody's Coming to 'Trim' Me.

Yes, we all know that trimming is good for you hair. I mean at some point you have to do it right? What good is long hair with raggedy ends?

Yeah. That's all well and good but....

I'm finding that the longer that I have been on this DIY hair care kick, the more trims terrify me. I can't tell you how many times I've logged onto LHCF and some poor soul is crying her eyes out because some stylist has hacked off all their progress. I'm not going to lie, I would kill someone dead if they thought it wise to 'trim' my progress to SL.

Trick, you weren't in the bathroom washing and DCing my hair every week (for 3 years!).

Anyway, a two weeks ago, I had gotten my hair straightened and my stylist wanted to trim my hair. Lawd, I almost fell out. I had to stress to her not to cut too much off. She said she wouldn't.

I watched her like a hawk. My ears suddenly became bionic as I began listening for the sound of too much hair being chopped off (yall know that sound). For the minute and a half it took her to trim my hair, I did not freaking breathe.

I wasn't always like this. I swear I wasn't. Shoot, I was the girl that cut her hair every 2 years just because. This hair journey is making me paranoid yall...and I can't say that it's a problem.

What are your thoughts about trimming? Does other people trimming your hair make you nervous (or makes you itch? or gives you the shakes?)


  1. I trim my own hair so I have no issues with that. My hair paranoia rears its ugly little head whenever I wear my hair down and I am wearing cotton. I can't help but think the cotton is sucking the moisture out of my hair. I usually can't wait to get home to moisturise and seal and put it up.

    Now just typing this makes me realise how crazy it sounds but to be honest, it bothers me so much that I am ready to invest in silk tops for the times I do leave my hair down. I don't do it that often because I feel really hot in these Caribbean temperatures when I wear my hair down, unless the a/c is cranked all the way.

    1. That was me once I hit SL. I rarely wore my hair down for long b/c it always felt like my hair was snagging on my shirt! I've mellowed out a bit since then but the paranoia is the same.

      I don't think it's're just hyperaware. Nothing wrong with that :)

  2. Definitely makes me nervous! The thought of someone other than myself taking shears to my hair wreaks havoc on my soul! Drastic I know, but I'm really at the point where the thought of someone taking off my hard earned progress stresses me out. What really sucks is that I want to get a good trim in a few months but am not trusting of stylists armed with shears AT ALL. I've suffered one to many times. I'll probably just end up cutting my hair on my own as usual.

    1. Hey, you gotta do what's best. You're still getting your trims and you know you won't trim too much off!

  3. OMG!! Yeah you gotta be careful with the "I'm trying to make everything even' trim...that can set you back like a big dog! When will people learn that everybody don't want their hair to be even...and it certainly doesn't grow evenly....

  4. I thankfully have found a stylist that I trust and that makes all the difference. He knows about my hair journey and he knows my goal length. With that knowledge, he trims my hair. He always trims off ONLY what needs to be trimmed. He is expensive, but I am willing to pay the premium for piece of mind. I used to be so TENSE when getting a trim. It was like going to the guillotine!!

    Good to see you back!

    1. Trimming is just so nerve wracking! Usually, I get my trims at SuperCuts b/c there is a stylist there that I trust. I don't know what happened during this last trim lol. But you're right, having someone you trust doing the trimming makes a world of difference!

      Thanks for the welcome back! :)

  5. I've only been on my journey since Feb of this year, but the progress I've made by my OWN hands...if some scissor happy stylist were to come near I'd probably have a near heart attack. I dust myself, every three months or so when I touch up, and then ONLY if I see that my ends look raggedy as they come out of the roller. Oh honey, your anxiety is well understandable and can easily be empathized with . Welcome back, you were missed dude!

    1. It's something about being on this hair journey that brings out the paranoia! lol

      Thanks! :)

  6. Today I am trimming my hair for the first time! Because I don't want anybody to cut off my progress.
