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Monday, July 26, 2010

Can You Retain Your Length Without Protective Styling?

This is something I have been toying with for awhile.

When I first cut my hair, I said "Man, when my hair gets to shoulder length I'm gonna wear it out all the time! Surely you can grow your hair without wearing a bun all the time." you guys saw, the minute I was grazing SL my hair has been hidden. I rarely straighten it and I surely do not wear it out.


Now I am bored with the protective styling. I want to wear it out just a little bit (maybe 2 or 3 days out of the week) but I don't want to suffer a setback. I suppose that in order to do this, I would have to make sure that my ends are really really moisturized but it's scary. However, next relaxer I'm gonna try wearing my hair out 3 days out of the week and up the rest of the time and see how that turns out. Wish me luck.

Speaking of relaxers, I am relaxing my hair this weekend. When I took my cornrows out, I was met with a bunch of hair to get through. OMG it was insane! Even with the best of the best deep conditioning, my hair was just rebelling. The last time that my hair did this was at the start of my journey. My hair was so damaged back then, I didn't put a relaxer in my hair for 8 months and I kept my hair braided up then too. Anyway, I will probably do a real length check (ends trimmed and all) too. I can't wait!


  1. I hear you. I always wonder why people with hair don't wear their hair in different ways, but the last thing you want to go through is a setback. I hope you get to have a little fun with your hair soon. What about roller sets and then pin-curling it at night? That would help.

  2. I am SO with you on this! I DO believe that you can retain length without protective styling, but within limits. I used to wear my hair down weekly. The only difference I can tell with protective styling is that you trim a LOT less, thus reaching your goal a bit faster.

    One of my hair inspirations, BronzeG enjoys her hair, wears it out and it is nice and healthy. I want to start enjoying my MBL hair more often as I am TIRED of buns! Pls. keep us informed of your progress, products used, etc. because I may have to follow in your footsteps!

    And I cannot WAIT to see your progress pics. You have really been doing well with your stretch. We are proud of you girl!

  3. @Katrina I'll probably try to roller set again. It just may be the best thing for my hair. However, I tend to be a little lazy at times so we'll see how that goes!

    @Age in ATL I will definitely keep you guys informed of my progress! Since my hair is been braided for most of the summer, I haven't been able to try as many new products as I normally do. That will probably change as I start wearing my hair out (I admit, I'm somewhat of a product junkie! lol). I'm ready to see my progress too! it has been a long stretch for me and I'm ready to see if it has paid off! :)
