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Tuesday, August 11, 2009

My Progress Pics

I finally took some progress pics! Yay! I have definitely made loads of progress since January and May, even. As you can see, I have some chin length pieces here and there and a "tail." I'm really starting to wonder what type of style this grow out is taking. Right now I'm a little unsatisfied. Relaxers take the life out of my hair and make it too thin for my liking. I generally have to wait 3 weeks before I get any body back. Ugh! Well, this Saturday will mark 2 weeks post so hopefully I will begin to see a difference then. Anyway, take a look and feel free to leave any comments!

a comic strip!


  1. Why not stop relaxing ?????

  2. Have you tried textlaxing? I used to have the problem of my hair being really limp and thin for the first few weeks post. Now that I textlax, I don't have that problem. I grew my hair out from the exact same starting point and I just cut it into a bob, elimated the 'tail' until the bob grew over it, and then I just let it grow from there (hope that made SOME sense). My hair grows so much faster in the back, so it grew out just right. Awesome progress BTW!

  3. @Age in ATL: Thanks! I have actually given some thought about textlaxing. I think that is my in sync with what I want (to loosen the curl but not have bone straight hair). I think I may have to learn how to do that myself though.

  4. Nice, hair progress. Your hair beautiful looking. I did my first texlax in May and I loved the results I had. "Texlaxing all the way baby". I will be texlaxing my hair on Sunday,I'll be trying a new Relaxer system call Syntonics(same creator of Affirm and Fibergaurd). So, Happy hair growing.

  5. Hey girl, your hair looks great! Were the pics taken 2 weeks post perm? I feel like I can really relate to where your hair is right now. I have the short hair in the back with chin length on one side and mid cheek on the other (symetrical cut). I will definitely be following ya as we go through our journeys. Good luck!! :)

  6. @Anon: thanks! :)

    @Lhea: Thanks! I took those pics closer to 1 week post. Hopefully my hair gets its body back soon!
